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-- By  Triffid in  Maryland on Wed, 19 Sep 2012 at 18:57.

I have yet to try Absynthe, but I just watched a wonderful documentary on the subject which I found on Netflix and I am now very interested. I did some research and I plan to try a brand called Lucid, which I understand is made in the traditional manner. There are a lot of untraditional blends out there. Pernod Fils was one of the first, and largest producers before all Absynthe was banned, but it's current product is very expensive and rare. I would appreciate any feedback, and will give you updates on my experiences.

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the "How to drink absinthe" page

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The original way to drink absinthe
Drinking absinthe the original way: dilute with chilled water which you slowly pour into your glass over a cube of sugar. Other ways to drink absinthe were invented since the time of this classic promotional poster by Bensa-Dupont. (Picture: Bibliotheque Forney, Paris)

More absinthe information...

About the ways to drink absinthe

The Buy Absinthe .Net guide has further tips on how to make a glass of absinthe in the traditional French manner, plus some amusing pieces of trivia about the absinthe-drinking culture of the 19th century. The same page also gives recipes for a few classic absinthe cocktails you might want to try. 'Death in the Afternoon' anyone?


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