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-- By Prakriti in India on Wed, 29 Mar 2017 at 12:12.
So, I looked at this gorgeous Green Fairy and fell in love. Smelled it and I fell head over heels in love with it. It was like a drug to me that I couldn't really resist. My definition of drug is not drug-drug/ substances but anything you cant resist and wants it again and again. It could be a place, thought, person or thing..
I took the very first sip and was spell bound in it's taste. it was magical because I finally got to taste the thing I couldn't resist. The first neat sip castes it spell over me and I gulped almost half the quarter neat because I wanted to feel the taste, the pure taste of it. That's the thing with me . Well nothing happened as they say like hallucination, Devil effect and blah blah blah... I was all happy and fine and in love with it ever since.
Yes, that is the magic of it, it makes you fall in love with it
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The freedom-loving Green Fairy...
Goddess of rebel poets & artistsin France and beyond