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-- By  C3 in  U.S.A-PA. on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 at 12:34.

EVERYTHING on this planet is poisonous to some degree;....and Human Beings filter EVERYTHING We eat;drink,and breath throughout life. From The Moment We Are Born;....We Are All Slowly Dying!---So; enjoy Life to it's fullest extent.....................take EVERYTHING IN MODERATION,...and you'll be just fine.

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the "Thujone" page

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Thujone rich: Artemisia absinthium
Thujone is found in a variety of common plants and herbs. In absinthe, thujone comes from wormwood (pictured), the wild-growing perennial that is especially rich in the substance. (Photo: H. Kress)

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About thujone

The Wikipedia entry on thujone gives an overview of the substance's chemical composition and pharmacology. Also includes a brief discussion of thujone content in absinthe (modern and pre-ban).

Vivienne Baillie Gerritsen, writing for the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics in 2005, isn't too thrilled by the Green Fairy's comeback. A scientific analysis of the effect of thujone, or a modern-day anti-absinthe rant? You decide.

Should you care to know that the substance's formal chemical name is "1-isopropyl-4-methylbicyclo[3.1.0] hexan-3-one", then the geeky 3Dchem's interactive 3-D model of the thujone molecule is a toy you'll like. Unfortunately, the associated article contains quite a few factual errors.


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